Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts (Seeing life from a Broken Perspective)

Patsy Clairmont is a well known author among Christian Authors. She has written several books. Her books will make you laugh, and cry and know that you have to finish each one. Patsy is a member of the WOMEN OF FAITH that travel all over giving wonderful programs and witnessing to ladies (men and children all over the USA) This books Patsy shares much about her personal life. In the first chapter Patsy talks about many of her situations in her personal life. She lived with agoraphobia for many years.Patsy talks to women of all walks of life with humor and, which always have a spiritual side. If you want a good book that just fits you in one way or another, this is a book for you. You will love reading Patsy's stories as only she can tell them. Patsy will help you laugh God's truth right into your heart. Her mission and hope is to provide humor for healing that comes from her own struggles God pulled together from the emotionally fragmented pieces  of her life., not only to free one but to also to serve as a reminder that imperfect "cracked" Christians are God's specialty.
I really like this comment she made: "Take a deep breath and pop a dark-chocolate bonbon;we girls are in this together."