Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts (Seeing life from a Broken Perspective)

Patsy Clairmont is a well known author among Christian Authors. She has written several books. Her books will make you laugh, and cry and know that you have to finish each one. Patsy is a member of the WOMEN OF FAITH that travel all over giving wonderful programs and witnessing to ladies (men and children all over the USA) This books Patsy shares much about her personal life. In the first chapter Patsy talks about many of her situations in her personal life. She lived with agoraphobia for many years.Patsy talks to women of all walks of life with humor and, which always have a spiritual side. If you want a good book that just fits you in one way or another, this is a book for you. You will love reading Patsy's stories as only she can tell them. Patsy will help you laugh God's truth right into your heart. Her mission and hope is to provide humor for healing that comes from her own struggles God pulled together from the emotionally fragmented pieces  of her life., not only to free one but to also to serve as a reminder that imperfect "cracked" Christians are God's specialty.
I really like this comment she made: "Take a deep breath and pop a dark-chocolate bonbon;we girls are in this together."

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nearing Home Billy Graham

This book is about Billy Graham's thought's about growing older and thinking about going to heaven. Billy is 92 years old and really misses his wife, Ruth. Ruth died a few years ago. Billy quotes much scripture,which I really apprecite. He talks about his early days of preaching all over the world. By his words, I can tell he does miss that time. How he as let his son, Franklin take over the Crusade. Billy talks about not letting growing old really get you down and give up on life. He stresses to prepare for old age. At this age, the reader can tell the Billy has a strong mind, even though he talks about his weak body. He has such a very strong faith and emphasis that all thru the book. He says that"growing old is the greatest surprise of my life. I would never have guessed what God had in store for me and I know I am nearing home and I know that God will not forsake me." WOW what wonderful words. He hopes all of us will be prepared for the end of our lives in that way and that we are so prepared that we know God will not forsake us. Billy Graham never thought he would live to be 92. Now that he has, he wants to make these last years count and he will. One of the ways is writing this book. It is a wonderful look at "old age" thru the eyes of one of the most wonderful evangelists of our time, THE REVERAND WILLIAM F. GRAHAM, JR.       Please add this to your reading list. It will give you a new outlook on "growing old"!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Year With Jesus Daily Readings and Reflections on Jesus' own Words ( R .P. Nettelhorst)

This is a very wonderful yearly devotional book for a year. "Daily Reflections and Readings on Jesus' Own Words." William Barclay says, "Jesus is not a a figure in this book. He is a living prsence." I did not read the entire book, as it is a daily devotional. I did read enough to really know that it is a wonderful book to use for the whole year,

Each devotion has a quotation from the Bible and then 2 or 3 paragraphs talking about the verses from the Bible. The days are only labeled day 1 and day 2 and so on, so the reader can start any time and not on certain labeled days ex. January 1. If the reader wanted to he could go to different places as there are divisions ex: Friends and Enemies; Belief and Disbelief; Arrogance and Humility and so on.

I have had many devotional books and I must say this is one of the most complete books I have ever had. I really recommend this to anyone interested in have Daily Devotions.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado

Max Lucado is a great story teller. This is a  wonderful book of faith, with many Bible influences intermingled with life stories.  Max uses his sense of humor, along with a very serious side.  The different titles of each chapter are very interesting. This is an introduction of hope and encouragement. The reminder that God knows our name

I would highly recommend this book. It has so many good Christian scriptures and Max follows them by stories that fit the scriptures. He talks about Jesus going to the wedding at Cana and why did Jesus go to a party! You will find the answer to that in this book!

He talks about the angel Gabriel who was to tell Mary that she was to become the mother of Jesus. A very interesting story of how the angel felt. The fears and questions he had. That story has been told many times, but not exactly in this way!

There is a chapter called "A Sack of Stones". A very good chapter. Who wants to carry around a sack of stones! After reading this chapter, one will stop and think about do I really carry a sack of stones? Maybe it will be a "life-changing chapter".

There is an interview with Moses and the Holyland Press. And the book goes on and on with such interesting stories and scriptures. It is a well-written book. Once you have read it, you just may want to read it again and maybe again.

 Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements

Judi Williams